Sunday, May 19, 2013

Glass experiments

Here are the glass pieces I did under the kind supervision of The Cultural Sisters in Longport. Some of them didn't turn out exactly as I expected but I think they're all pretty great so far.

Above is one of my pre-firing photos for comparison.

I wanted to try creating the above comic grid layout I designed earlier in the year in different materials, such as my foray into textiles.

I guess its kinda funny that I took my original inspiration from windows in gothic architecture and now I've done a full circle and I'm trying to make drawings of windows out of glass. 

I made some smaller triangles which I thought could be incorporated into the final comic because there are a lot of triangular shapes and arches within gothic architecture. Glass was often used to tell biblical stories, so it would be my attempt to nod back to that.

The flower motif was created by cutting out paper and placing it between two layers of glass. I thought it would burn away and the silhouette of the flower would be seen in the glass frit around it. I suppose I didn't contend for the fact that the paper wasn't exposed to any air and even if it did burn, it wouldn't have anywhere to go.

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