Wednesday, May 22, 2013


In attempt to finish posting more of the links I wanted to write about, this week's post is typography-themed! The above video was created by Ben Barrett-Forrest if it hasn't been viralled-to-death already (it should, it's taken a hideous amount of work, and also it's awesome). I'm not going to even begin to pretend I know a whole lot about typography, I just like things that look exquisitely designed so I'm going to post things I think look nice and leave it at that.

I Love Typography
Can I marry a website? is that allowed? Do people do that? Oh my god I think I've just found my new favourite thing on the internet.

AAaaanndd slightly less related to typography, more graphic designy:

mmm...nicely designed websites

(appologies for the increased crazy-per-word ratio in this post)

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