Tuesday, November 27, 2012

here's an update of my angels collage

it's hideously early o'clock, here's an update of my angels collage. Have worked on it approximately 4 hours now.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Started an angel collage, using print-outs, fine-liner, pencil and chalk pastels I decided on massively oversized wings that look like they're bursting out of the page like they're ready to fly.

Still needs a bit of work in the middle, blending the print-out with my freehand parts and finishing off with more mid-tones but I think it's a good sign of things to come.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

madonna and child, (left half of the melun diptych)

Jean Fouquet c.1450

looking at a lot of different gothic art at the moment for ideas about how to draw angels. the colours in this are striking and separate the foreground and the background beautifully. The proportions are all a bit strange and a bit scary but I love it none the less.

virgin and child with eleven angels

master of the wilton diptych (doc. c. 1390-1395)

Embalming of the body of christ and the three marys at the empty tomb

workshop of the ingeborg psalter (active c. 1213)

Friday, November 16, 2012

This is my favourite one so far, I love blue! The white spaces are going to be comic panels

Monday, November 5, 2012

I think I prefer the colours on this one, but I think that the paint created a nicer texture than the oil pastels.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I think this layout will be the one I finally work with. I did the drawing in my book and photocopied it so I can experiment with colours and techniques.

This image is one of the copies is where I was playing around with paints and sewing, but the page isn't completed yet. I need to think more about what kind of colours I'm using so I need to look back at my research and begin a fuckload of material experiments.

Something that started as a random cool idea I had seems to be turning into quite an epic quest of an art project. Nobody said pushing your boundaries is easy, but they did say it was worthwhile, and I hope they're fucking right.