Monday, May 13, 2013

Amanda Palmer: The art of asking

This video reminds me of when me and my best friend went to see Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra at Manchester Cathedral and we all stood outside towards the end of the night and ms Palmer was playing the ukulele.

I was mentally ill and running low on the drugs I needed. My money had gone missing and I was 9 pounds and 99 pence away from my overdraft limit with no secure income. I was fighting with my parents, living with my boyfriend's mum, and she looked straight at me, since I was only a few feet away and I was so scared that somehow she knew what a giant ball of miserable I was when I was out with friends trying to enjoy seeing one of my favourite performers.

I was so used to avoiding eye contact, it was like one of those dreams (I have never had) where you're suddenly naked in public, and it troubled me for months afterwards. I suppose the video makes me feel better about it, and helps restore some of my faith in humanity. Every time I watch something like this, I'm always inspired to go on an art rampage and maybe by sharing it, somebody else will too.

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